
Looking for a spiritual shot of java? Who doesn’t need a lift every now and then in our crazy world? Maybe you’re a Christian woman who, like me, is looking for a boost as she faces the challenges of the fall and winter seasons of life. Let’s stir our love for the Lord to greater passion and depth! That’s my goal as I write devotionals, essays, stories, the occasional word song (aka poem), and share favorite quotes. I also love to share humorous anecdotes now and then since I think the Lord is all about joy, don’t you?! So welcome, my name is Ruth, and I hope to meet you here at Espresso For The Heart!


Oh no, you say, why would I want to have another pesky email coming to my inbox on a regular basis? Would it entice you to know that the newsletter is free? Or would it be a selling point to know that I only publish twice a month because I try to focus on quality as opposed to quantity? Whatever the reason, I hope we can be in regular contact! 

In Case You’d Like to Know a Little More About Me

Things I love: A steaming cup of Mexican Mocha, hold the whip cream, please! But also things like cooking breakfast, gourmet chocolate, playing piano, losing myself in a book, travel, and all things Israel! Weight training, walking, hiking, water aerobics—doing anything out in nature is totally my thing. I love to play harmless pranks when irresistible opportunities arise. I cherish my girlfriends, and of course, what better place to meet than at a coffee shop! 

Be my Facebook Friend:

The newsletters will be posted to my Facebook page as well, so feel free to friend me at https://www.facebook.com/ruthywood

Email: espressofortheheart@gmail.com

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Pick up "a shot of encouragement to go"


Ruth Wood is a Licensed Professional Counselor who writes devotionals, articles, and stories to strengthen believers in their faith. Pick up "a shot of encouragement to go"!