Generous Hearts
"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" (Hebrews 13:16).
I’ll never forget the time an acquaintance of mine approached after church bearing a small present for me. The gift was “just because,” she said, as I was not having a birthday nor was there any other occasion. She just wanted to brighten my day. I was deeply touched by her kindness. Someone went out of their way to love me!
It’s amazing the impact seemingly small acts can have. Sometimes we think we need to enlist in Mother-Teresa-sized projects, but just being watchful of the needs around us will give direction where to do good.
I have a friend who is known to give generously. She will press a $50 bill into a struggling youth pastor’s hand or give spontaneously as she learns of someone’s plight. Once she gave a cherished watch to a person who mentioned how much they admired it. She truly embodies the phrase “gives the shirt off her back.”
Even though some people appear particularly gifted at giving, I find it more helpful to simply recognize that the Holy Spirit is generous, and therefore, every believer can grow in this area. There are endless creative ways to do good.
Single moms, especially, need support as do the elderly, the disabled, caregivers . . . We can be generous with our money and possessions, our service, and our presence. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give is unhurried, attentive listening.
Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to the needs that you want us to meet, and strengthen us in joyful sharing and good deeds. Amen.