Christmas Every Day
By mid November, several people had told me they had already decorated for Christmas. When I expressed surprise, one person said, “Christmas just makes me happy.” Can we blame people for wanting “happy” to come early?
And we’d like everything that Christmas symbolizes to stay around too! I recently heard a new song, “Christmas Every Day,” that David Archuleta released in 2018. Here are excerpts from the lyrics:
Sidewalks covered up in snow
Lights up everywhere we go
Santa's on his way
It's Christmas every day
It's here again
Finally the season where
Everybody's caroling
Peace on earth
Good will to everyone
Children all having fun
Waiting on Santa to come
With the bag full of Christmas cheer . . .
It all goes by so fast
If only I can make this last . . .
Friends all warmed up by the fire
Sometimes I just wish that
I could always feel this way
Like it's Christmas every day
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Christmas every day
If I could have one more gift just for me
Joy to the world it would be . . .
I hear such longing in the lyrics despite the jaunty tune. There's a reason why this holiday so resonates with people, why they want it to stay. Christmas symbolizes a world at peace, every heart at peace, every relationship at peace.
Our times have been challenging, and we wonder about what new disasters the future might hold. Perhaps this is why people seem to be looking for hope more than ever.
Hope is exactly what the angel brought to the shepherds quaking in their sandals when he said, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.
The joy of the message quickly dispelled all fear. Good news! the angel said. No need to fear, the angel said. Rejoice!
You have a Savior!
You have a Messiah, the Lord!
It’s been two thousand years since Jesus birth, and people today still long for good news. They yearn for joy. They want the love, joy, and peace of Christmas to be with them always. They need to hear that the Savior, the Messiah has come. For them.
They need to know that with Jesus in their hearts, they really can have Christmas every day!
Will we tell them?
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” ~ Luke 2:10-11
1. Write holiday cards with a personal message of God's love or include a tract or Father's Love Letter (which you can print out here:
2. Tape a candy cane or chocolate Santa, etc. to the outside of the envelope. In large, bold letters write, "FOUND THIS? IT'S YOURS!!! Secret Santa"
3. Distribute the cards (tape to public bathroom mirrors—in restaurants, clothing store dressing rooms, movie theaters . . . or drop them unobtrusively in someone's shopping cart at the grocery store . . . or stick it on someone's windshield, weather permitting. Or leave your "good news" cards in some other creative place God will show you.) It's easy, it's fun, it's joyous! I dare you!!!
See also the condensed version published in 2022 at